Sunday, November 24, 2013

Throwback Sunday Week 1: textured chevron

I've been meaning to start this sort of throwback tag for a few weeks now, mainly because most of you may not know me from Instagram and my early nail art days. This might be a good way to share some pictures that I haven't posted on Instagram and hear your thoughts on them. I hope you enjoy.
È da un po' che voglio fare questo tag, una specie di tag, principalmente perché la maggior parte di voi non mi conosce da Instagram. Mi piacerebbe poterne condividere qualcuno anche con voi per sentire cosa ne pensate. Spero vi piaccia questa idea.

Silvia Lace Nails: elegant textured chevron

For my first Throwback Sunday I chose this elegant look done using different colors and textures. The base color is Kiko 402, a gorgeous pink holo shade; the gold is China Glaze -Midnight Kiss, and the black is Kiko Sugar Matte 646, black-based textured polish with silver glitter. The look is easily achieved just by freehanding the chevron lines with the nail polish brush.
Per la prima Domenica Amarcord vi propongo un look piuttosto elegante con diversi colori e texture. La base è Kiko 402, splendido rosa olografico, l'oro è China Glaze - Midnight Kiss, e il nero è Kiko Sugar Matte 646, smalto texture a base nera con tanti microglitter argentati. Il look è facile da ricreare a mano usando semplicemente il pennellino della boccetta.

Silvia Lace Nails: elegant textured chevron

Silvia Lace Nails: elegant textured chevron

Silvia Lace Nails: elegant textured chevron

The gorgeousness of this pink holographic shade always stuns me. The combination of colors is just great and not too over the top. I really hope you enjoyed the look.
La bellezza di questo smalto olografico mi stupisce ogni volta. La combinazione di colori mi piace molto e non è troppo esagerata. Spero che vi sia piacuto il look.


  1. Silvia, this is really cute, i have that polishes and i love them as much as your manicure ♥ Thank you so much for showing us this great idea :) I didn't know you before so i'm glad that i have found you today, and i'm following you by Bloglovin since right now :D
    Hugs from Spain!

    1. Hello there! Thank you for visiting my blog and for following me. So many compliments. I'm glad I could inspire you somehow. We both know how good these nail polishes are then :) Mil besos!
